What to Expect
An evaluation consists of 3 appointments:
1st Appointment: Intake
Dr. Armer meets with the parents or guardians of the child/adolescent. This time is used to get background information about your child and understand your concerns, which is then used to develop an evaluation plan. It is helpful to bring information such as relevant medical records, previous evaluation reports, and educational records (e.g., report cards, IEPs).
2nd Appointment: Evaluation
The evaluation consists of a wide range of intellectual, academic, neuropsychological, and psychological tests. Evaluation appointments can range from two hours to five hours, depending on the type of evaluation and age of the child. It is important for your child to get a good night’s rest and eat breakfast before the evaluation. It is also helpful to bring snacks, as there will be breaks.
3rd Appointment: Feedback
Finally, a follow up meeting occurs with the parents/guardians approximately two weeks following the evaluation. The evaluation results are reviewed and recommendations for interventions, strategies, and next steps are discussed.